2013 (english)

Interlinhas Seminar – 2013

Presentation: The Interlinhas Seminar aims to promote the study, reflection and debate of ongoing research projects carried out within and between the lines by students and professors of the Graduate Program in Cultural Criticism. Master’s students are automatically enrolled…

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VI Forum Identidades e Alteridades and II CONED-UFS

Presentation: The Forum Identidades e Alteridades is a nationwide event that was born from the dialogue of professors and researchers from different areas that make up the GEPIADDE – Group of Studies and Research Identities and Alterities: Differences and Inequalities in Education. In the first event, held in…

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V Colloquium Modes of Production and Cultural Circulation

Organization: Profa. Dr. Jailma dos Santos Pedreira Moreira & Tassia Borges Nascimento

IV Meeting of Black Consciousness: Africa and Diaspora: Other Crossings

Organization: Profa. Dr. Maria Anória de Jesus Oliveira

The IV Meeting of Black Consciousness, Africa and the Diaspora: Other Crossings will be held on December 5th and 6th, 2013 at UNEB’s CAMPUS II, Alagoinhas. Follow…

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Conversation with the writer

Organization: Profa. Dr. Maria de Fátima Berenice da Cruz

Seminar Archives, testimonies and poverty in Brazil

Organized by: Prof. Dr. Osmar Moreira dos Santos , Prof. Dr. Wander Melo Miranda, Vandelma Silva & Evanildes Teixeira Silva.

On September 5th and 6th, 2013, Praia do Forte, in Mata de São João-BA, served as a setting to discuss literary and cultural archives with policies and representations of value, the result of a successful partnership of POS-CRÍTICA( UNEB) and POST-LIT (UFMG)…

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Geocriticism of Public Policies for Literature

Organization: Prof. Dr. Osmar Moreira dos Santos, Prof. Dr. Jailma dos Santos Pedreira Moreira, Prof. Dr. Washington Luis Lima Drummond, Evanildes Teixeira Silva, Eliana Correia Gonçalves Brandão & Prof. Dr. Carlos Magno dos Santos Gomes.

For us who composed the board of the Brazilian Association of Comparative Literature/ABRALIC, in the biennium 2012-2013, it was an honor to have the guests and congressmen of the XIII International Congress in Campina Grande-PB, a city located on the Serra da Borborema. The event was conceived in order to discuss, in its main conferences, themes related to the so-called internationalization of the regional, mainly because it is…

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III Enlacing Sexualities

Organization: Prof. Dr. Paulo César Souza Garcia and Prof. Dr. Suely Aldir Messeder

It is in this symbolic space and with the “boldness” accompanied by a cultural and/or political identity of being Bahian that the Seminar Enlaçando Sexualidades is built in the Cultures of Sexualities, both words in the plural. To paraphrase Geerzt (2001) “That, speaking of things that have to be like that, is no longer possible. If we wanted homely truths, we should have stayed at home” – we experience studies on cultures as a possibility, an opening to look beyond the…

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XVI Seminar on Literature and Cultural Diversity

Organized by: Prof. Dr. Roberto Henrique Seidel.

The State University of Feira de Santana (UEFS) and the State University of Bahia (UNEB), Campus II, through the Graduate Program in Literary Studies (PROGEL) and the Graduate Program in Cultural Criticism (Post-Criticism), organize the international meeting in honor of the Bahian researcher, based in São Paulo, Jerusa Pires Ferreira. PROGEL, based at UEFS, has its area of concentration in Literature and Cultural Diversity, being the first stricto sensu course in the interior of Bahia authorized by Capes in 2001 to train masters in the Great Area of Letters. In the thirteen years of operation of this program…

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