Permanent Professors

Ana Rita Santiago
Adjunct Professor

She was the Dean of Extension at the Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia (UFRB).  She holds a master's degree in Education and Contemporaneity from the Universidade do Estado da Bahia (2005), a doctorate in Letters and Linguistics from the Federal University of Bahia (2010) and a postdoctoral degree from the Université Paris Descartes - Sorbonne, France (2017). She was a talent researcher at Université Paris Descartes - Sorbonne, France (2017-2019). She is currently an associate professor at the Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia and at the Graduate Program in Cultural Criticism, at the State University of Bahia - Campus II. Researcher of the GT The woman in the literature of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Letters and Linguistics (ANPOLL). She has experience in the area of ​​languages, with an emphasis on Brazilian literature, black literature, black-feminine literature, literature by women in Brazil and Africa and education.

Currículo Lattes

Research area: Literacy, Identities and Educator Training

Research group: Iraci Gama

Areas of interest: Linguistics, Letters and Arts / Area: Letters / Sub-area: Afro-Brazilian Literature

Andrea Betânia da Silva
Holder Teacher

Holds a doctorate in Culture and Society from the Federal University of Bahia in co-tutorship with the Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense. Master in Language from the Federal University of Bahia, Specialist in Portuguese Language: Text from the State University of Feira de Santana and Graduation in Portuguese Language from the same institution. She is currently an Associated Professor at the University of the State of Bahia, working at the Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels, and is a Permanent Professor at the Postgraduate Program in Cultural Criticism. Vice-leader of the Research Group Voice, body and memory in the poetic plot (UFBA) and member of the Research Groups Nucleus of Oral Traditions and Intangible Heritage (NUTOPIA/UNEB) and of the Center de Recherches Interdisciplinary sur le Monde Lusophone - CRILUS (UPOND-France). She has experience in the areas of Literature, Pedagogy and Social Sciences, working with the following subjects: Oral Poetics, Reading in contexts of deprivation and restriction of freedom, Literature, Reading, Writing, Memory and Brazilian Culture.

Currículo Lattes

Research area: Literature, Cultural Production and Ways of Life

Research group: NUTOPIA

Areas of interest: Linguistics, Letters and Arts / Area: Letters.

Arivaldo de Lima Alves
Holder Teacher

He holds a degree in Social Communication from the Federal University of Bahia (1990), a Master in Communication and Culture from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1995) and a Doctorate in Social Anthropology from the University of Brasília (2003). He is currently Senior Professor and Permanent Professor of the Graduate Program in Cultural Criticism at the State University of Bahia (UNEB). Coordinator of the Nucleus of Oral Traditions and Intangible Heritage (NUTOPIA/ Campus II/UNEB). Has experience in Anthropology, with emphasis on Anthropology of Afro-Brazilian Populations, working on the following topics: racial relations, intangible heritage, music, popular and black cultures. He has worked as a researcher or consultant in several extension projects on popular and black cultures, such as the inventory on the samba de roda of the Recôncavo Baiano commissioned by IPHAN (2005) and more recently the Projeto Cantador de Chula, which recorded the history and singing by master singers of samba chula in Bahia. He is part of the research team of the National Institute for Ethnic and Racial Inclusion in Higher Education and Research, funded by CNPq and MCT, and has been a member of the ANPOLL Oral and Popular Literature WG since 2012. Post-doctoral at École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) / Institut des Mondes Africains (IMAF).

Currículo Lattes

Research area: Literature, Cultural Production and Ways of Life.

Research group: NUTOPIA

Areas of interest: Anthropology of Afro-Brazilian Populations, Anthropological Theory, Communication Theory.

Áurea da Silva Pereira
Holder Teacher

She holds a degree in Portuguese Language from the University of the State of Bahia (1996), a master degree in Education and Contemporaneity from the University of the State of Bahia (2008) and a Doctorate in Education and Contemporaneity from the University of the State of Bahia (2014). She is currently a Professor at the State University of Bahia, in the Department of Education, Campus II. She works as Permanent Professor in the Postgraduate Program in Cultural Criticism, in Line 2: Literacy, Identities and Educator Training. She has experience in Education, Literacy and Teacher Training with emphasis on the following topics: literacies in rural communities; (auto)biographical narratives and memories; literacy and literacies in schools; memories and aging. Leader of the research group GPLIN- Research Group on Literacy, Identities and Narratives.

Currículo Lattes

Research area: Literacy, identities and training of educators

Research Group: GRAFHO - Research Group Autobiography Formation Oral History, GEREL Resilience, Education and Languages;  and, GEPHEG – Study and research group in history, education and gender.

Areas of interest: Language, Pedagogical Practice, Linguistics.

Carla Meira Pires de Carvalho
Adjunct Professor

Carla Meira Pires de Carvalho, completed her degree in Theater at the Federal University of Bahia in 2004, having worked in the graduation for three years as a PIBIC-CNPQ scholarship in the scope of Theater Pedagogy. From 2004 to 2011, she worked as a Theater teacher at SMED/Salvador in Elementary School and Youth and Adult Education. She hold a master in Education from the Postgraduate Program in Education and Contemporaneity (PPGEDUC/UNEB) from the State University of Bahia-UNEB/2009. She worked as a Teacher of the Degree in Visual Arts at PARFOR, UNEB and PROFORMA/UEFS. She worked as Substitute Professor at the UFBA Theater School, teaching in the Theater Degree course between 2009-2011. Her research areas are theoretical-practical studies in the field of Arts, focusing mainly on the following themes: Theater Teaching, Theater, Playfulness, Youth and Adult Education, Staging, Theater, Life Narratives, Training and Literacy. From 2011 to 2014, she held the position of Assistant Professor DE of the Degree in Theater, Dance and Pedagogy at UESB, Jequié campus where she developed a number of Research, Extension and PIBID Projects, as well as Assembly of Didactic Shows. She completed her Doctorate in Education at the Faculty of Education-FACED-UFBA in 2015, integrating the GELING Research group. As a Professor at the Faculty of Education - DEDC-I of UNEB, she served as a member of the Structuring Teaching Nucleus (NDE), of the Pedagogy course, in addition to having acted as coordinator and vice-coordinator of the Arts area in the biennium 2016-2018. Since 2017, she has been a collaborating professor at the UNEB Cultural and Arts Advisory Board (ASCULT), also developing the role of Pedagogical Assistant for the Lic. in Music Campus I. She also develops the Extension course: Memories on stage: theater and life narratives at the Open University for the Third Age-UATI/UNEB. In 2020, he started to guide in a Scientific Initiation Research project and in PIBID, both articulating the teaching of Art, Playfulness and Life Narratives and teacher training within the scope of EJA. She is currently a collaborating professor of the Professional Master's Degree in Youth and Adult Education (MPEJA/UNEB) and as a permanent professor of the Graduate Program in Cultural Criticism/Post-Criticism.

Currículo Lattes

Research area: Literacy, identities and training of educators.

Research group: GELING

Areas of interest: Youth and Adult Education, Performing Arts, Profartes, Education.

Cláudia Martins Moreira
Holder Teacher

She holds a doctorate in Literature/Applied Linguistics from the Federal University of Bahia (2009) and a Master in Linguistics and Languages from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (1999). She also holds a Specialization in Literacy at the Faculty of Education of Bahia (1994), in addition to a Specialization in Linguistics Applied to the Teaching of Portuguese at the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (1991). She worked for 20 years as a professor at the State University of Santa Cruz - Ba. She currently works as a professor at the State University of Bahia, Campus II. She is also a professor of the Masters in Cultural Criticism at UNEB-Ba. She has experience in Linguistics, with an emphasis on Applied Psycholinguistics, and works in research and teacher training, mainly involving the following topics: Portuguese language - applied linguistics - teaching, cognition - acquisition of writing and reading.

Currículo Lattes

Research area: Literacy, Identities and Educator Training

Research group: Iraci Gama

Areas of interest: Linguistics, Letters and Arts / Area: Linguistics / Subarea: Applied Linguistics/Specialty: Applied Psycholinguistics.

Cosme Batista dos Santos

He holds a Post-doctorate in Information Science from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto (FLUP) and Senior Internship/CAPES in Lexiculturology from the Portuguese Catholic University (UCP), Braga. Doctor and Master in Applied Linguistics by the Institute of Language Studies of the State University of Campinas - UNICAMP. Graduated in Letters from the University of Pernambuco - UPE (1992), specialization in Portuguese Language and Literature Teaching Programming from the University of Pernambuco - UPE (1993) and specialization in Spoken Language and Teaching from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais - PUC Minas (1995). He is currently Professor at the University of the State of Bahia, working in the Postgraduate Program in Cultural Criticism - POSCRÍTICA and in the Postgraduate Program in Education, Culture and Semi-arid Territories - PPGESA. He is the author of the book Literacy and Common Sense, published by Editora Mercado de Letras and editor of the books: Critica Cultural e Educação Básica, published by Editora da UNESP, and As Palavras e as Culturas, published by Editora da UNEB. He has published and supervised several works on the studies of literacy in teacher education and, currently, he develops research in intercultural communication, with an emphasis on literacy policies for schools and universities.

Currículo Lattes

Research areas: Literacy Policies in the Semiarid Region, Literacy, identities and teacher education.

Areas of interest: Applied Linguistics, Textual Linguistics, Mother tongue teaching and learning, Literacy and mother tongue teacher training, Studies of cultural lexicography.

Edil Silva Costa
Holder Teacher

She is graduated in Portuguese Language at Federal University of Bahia, 1987, hols a master in Languages and Linguistics (Federal University of Bahia/1995) and Doctorate in Communication and Semiotics (Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo/2005). She is a Professor of Portuguese Literature at the State University of Bahia, working as a permanent professor in the Post-Graduate Program in Cultural Criticism (Post-Criticism/UNEB). She was part of the coordination of the WG on Oral and Popular Literature at ANPOLL on several occasions and has experience in the field of Languages, with an emphasis on Brazilian and Portuguese Literatures, researching the following topics: oral tradition, cultural identity, oral literature and folktales.  
Currículo Lattes

Research area: Literature, cultural production and ways of life.

Research group: NUTOPIA

Areas of interest: Other Vernacular Literatures, Brazilian Literature, Portuguese Literature.

Jailma dos Santos Pedreira Moreira

She is graduated in Portuguese Language from the State University of Bahia- UNEB (1996), and has a Specialization in Text and Grammar from the State University of Feira de Santana - UEFS- in parternship with State University of Campinas/São Paulo - UNICAMP (1999), another in Literary Studies from UNEB (2000), master degree in Language and Linguistics from the Federal University of Bahia - UFBA (2003) and Doctorate in the area of ​​Languages at the same university (2008). She completed a post-doctorate in Language - feminist metacriticismPublic policies for women's literature- at UFMG (2015). She is a professor at the University of the State of Bahia. She has experience in Brazilian Literature, with an emphasis on Cultural Criticism, working mainly on the following subjects: literature, subjectivity, micropolitics, gender and feminist cultural criticism.

Currículo Lattes

Research area: Gender policies, subjectivities and feminist criticism, Literature, Subalternity and Micropolitics, Textuality, context and school mediation, Margins of literature.

Areas of interest: Cultural Studies, Gender Studies, Brazilian Literature, Portuguese Language.

Jose Carlos Felix

Graduated in Languages from the State Faculty of Sciences and Letters of Campo Mourão (1998), holds a master in English Language and its Literatures from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2004) and a doctorate in Literary Theory from the State University of Campinas (2013). He is currently Professor at the State University of Bahia and has experience in Literature, with emphasis on English Language Literature, working mainly on the following subjects: English language literature, cinema and film adaptation.

Currículo Lattes

Areas of interest: Literatures of English Language, Literary Criticism and Teaching of Literature.

Research group: Desleituras / Post-Theory

Lícia Maria de Lima Barbosa

She holds a degree in Social Sciences from the Federal University of Bahia (1995), a Master's in Sociology from the Federal University of Bahia (1999) and a PhD in Ethnic and African Studies from PosAfro/UFBA (2013). She is a professor at the University of the State of Bahia, working in the Postgraduate Program in Cultural Criticism - POST-CRÍTICA. Researcher of the Territory, Culture and Collective Actions Research Group (TECEMOS/UNEB/CAMPUS XI) in the research line: Culture, Identities and Corporeities and member of the Iraci Gama research group, in the Literacy, Identities and Teacher Training line of the PPG in Cultural Criticism/UNEB/CAMPUS II. Member of Instituto Ceafro/ICEAFRO: Education for Racial and Gender Equality. She has experience in the field of sociology and anthropology, working mainly on the following subjects: racial and gender relations, identities, generation, black women, hip-hop, feminisms, ethnic-racial relations, gender and education, Afro-Brazilian history and culture. and African. (Text provided by the author)

Currículo Lattes

Research area: Literacy, Identities and PPG Teacher Training in Cultural Criticism/UNEB/CAMPUS II, Culture, Corporeity and Identities.

Research group: Iraci Gama

Areas of interest: Sociology, Identity, Gender and Race, Sociology of Race Relations, Education and Race Relations, Anthropology of Afro-Brazilian Populations.

Licia Soares de Souza
Permanent Teacher

She holds a degree in Letters from the Federal University of Bahia (1976), a master degree in Modern Letters - Université de Toulouse II - Le Mirail (1977) and a PhD in Semiology - Universite du Quebec (1989). She is a permanent professor of the Post Graduate Program in Cultural Criticism at UNEB (1984), and associate professor at the Université du Québec à Montréal. She has experience in Literature, with an emphasis on Comparative Literature, working mainly on the following subjects: americanity, comparative literature, Brazilian literature, telenovela and Canudos.  She is a member of the WG Inter-American Relations at ANPOLL, member of FIGURA (studies of the imaginary) at UQAM, member of the goepoetics studio LA TRAVERSÉE, at UQAM, member of the Center for Studies in Quebec Literature (CRLICQ). She is vice-president of the Association Internationale d'Études Québécoises, for the Americas.  She was a finalist of the Roberto Santos Award (FAPESB) in the area of ​​Letters, in 2017. Official of the Order of Rio Branco, decoration of the Brazilian government for services rendered abroad to national culture (Canada, France, Germany).

Currículo Lattes

Research area: Literacy, Identities and Educator Training

Areas of interest: Linguistics, Letters and Arts / Area: Letters / Subarea: Comparative Literature

Maria Anória de Jesus Oliveira

Graduated in Language and Specialization in Literature from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (1995), hols a máster in Education from the State University of Bahia (2003), and Doctorate in Languages from the Federal University of Paraíba (2010), with Internship in Mozambique and Post-doctorate in Language/UFMG (2015). She is a Professor at the University of the State of Bahia/UNEB, since 1998 and a permanente professor ati the Post Graduate Program in Cultural Criticism (Post-Criticism/UNEB). She has experience in the field of literature and training of educators, with an emphasis on Black/Afro-Brazilian and African Literature. She supervises research in the master degree in the doctorate and supervises post-doctorate in the aforementioned program. She is the author of the book "Africas and diasporas in children's literature in Brazil and Mozambique" (Eduneb), in addition to organizing books and other academic productions in the area in focus. She works mainly with the following topics: Literature, teacher and student training for ethnic-racial relations, anti-racism perspectives, children’s literature and approaches focused on differences. She is the leader of the research group Literacy, Identities and Teacher Training (Iraci Gama/CNPq). She is one of the coordinators of the Area: Literature, Languages ​​and Arts of the Brazilian Association of Black Researchers (ABPN).

Currículo Lattes

Research area: Literacy, Identities and Educator Training

Research group: Iraci Gama

Areas of interest: Afro-Brazilian and African Literature, Children's Literature.

Maria de Fátima Berenice da Cruz

She has a degree in Portuguese Language from the State University of Bahia (1995), a master by the Graduate Program in Literature and Cultural Diversity at the State University of Feira de Santana (2003) and a doctorate from the Post Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Bahia (2009). Post-Doctorate in Literary Studies, Concentration Line Literature and Reception at the Graduate Program in Letters at the Federal University of Sergipe (2020). She is a leader of the research group GEREL (Group of Studies in Resilience, Education and Languages) and works in the line of literary (Auto)biographies as a resource for resilience. She coordinates the undergraduate Scientific Initiation project entitled - [Study of the social representation of the black female in the texts of the elementary school textbook II ? triennium 2019 to 2021]. She has been a Titular Professor of Brazilian Literature at the State University of Bahia since 1996 and a permanent professor at the Post Graduate Program in Cultural Criticism at UNEB, Campus II Alagoinhas; also acting as coordinator of the área of Literacy, Identities and training of educators. She published “Literary Reading at School Challenges and Perspectives of a Reader” (2012), “A Literary Northeast in Verse and Prose” (2020); organizer of books: “Education in Current Times” (2017) and “Literacy, Identities and Training” (2018), “Literacy and Technology in Research in Educator Training” (2020), “Literacy, Identities and Educator Training: Research, Training and Pedagogical Praxis” (2020 ), among other articles and book chapters published in the 2012-2021 financial year. She also works as a researcher for the CNPq project leader in the Call CNPq/MCTI/FNDCT 18/2021 TRACK B - CONSOLIDATED GROUPS.

Currículo Lattes

Research area: Literacy, Identities and Educator Training

Research group: GEREL (Group of Studies in Resilience, Education and Languages)

Areas of interest: Literary Theory, Communication, Literary Reading.

Maria Neuma Mascarenhas Paes

She holds a degree in Portuguese Language (2001) and a Specialization in Brazilian Literature from the Catholic University of Salvador (2003), a Master in Language and Linguistics (2007) and a Doctorate in Languages and Linguistics from the Federal University of Bahia (2009). She is a professor at the University of the State of Bahia (UNEB) and currently holds the position of Director of the Department of Education, Campus II/UNEB. She develops research in the areas of Literacy and Discourse Analysis and has experience in Portuguese Language, with an emphasis on teaching and learning Portuguese, working mainly in the following areas: Reading and Text Production, Textual Linguistics, Semantics, Discourse Analysis and Research Methodology. She is part of programs aimed at training elementary and high school teachers, such as the Freire Platform (PARFOR). She was an evaluator of the Portuguese Language Textbook National Program for High School (PNLD-MEC/FNDE).

Currículo Lattes

Research area: Literacy, Identities and Educator Training

Research group: Gerel

Areas of interest: Reading and Text Production, Textual Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, Semantics, Research Methodology in Education, Popular and Mass Culture.

Osmar Moreira dos Santos

He holds a degree in Portuguese with English Languages from the Catholic University of Salvador (1988), a specialization in Literary Studies from the UEFS (1993), a master degree in Language and Linguistics from the Federal University of Bahia (1996), a doctorate in Language and Linguistics from the Federal University of Bahia  2001, post-doctorate in Paraliteratures (2003) and Philosophy of Art (2004) from Université Paris 8, in Literary Studies (2015) from Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG). He has been working as a professor and researcher at UNEB since 1990 and also had experience as a Lecturer/Visiting Professor for 2 years (2002/2004) at Université Bordeaux 3, France. He is currently a full-time professor at the University of the State of Bahia. He has experience in the area of ​​Multicultural Literature, with an emphasis on Comparative Literature and Cultural Criticism, working mainly on the following topics: tropicalism, cinema novo, subalternity, micropolitics and politics of culture and subjectivity. As one of the creators and coordinator of the Graduate Program in Cultural Criticism and its master and doctoral courses, administrations 2009-2011, 2011-2013, 2015-2020, he produced and managed to approve relevant infrastructure and research projects, the example of the subproject Center for Advanced Research, Interdisciplinary Cultural Documentation and Production Laboratories (FINEP - PROINFRA 02/2010), the project Digital Cinema: An audiovisual laboratory for Culture Criticism (Fapesb 11/2012), the research project Emerging transnational powers (FAPESB - PRONEM 09/2014), in addition to coordinating PROCAD between the Graduate Program in Cultural Criticism and the Graduate Program in Literary Studies at UFMG, with the research project Literary and cultural archives: representations and policies of the value (MCT/CNPq/MEC/CAPES - Transversal Action No. 06/2011). The processes and results of their research, in addition to exercises in literary and cultural thinking and scientific experience at various levels, from scientific initiation to post-doctoral internships, which have also been decisive for the creation of these infrastructure, management and dissemination projects. knowledge shared with the knowledge community.

Currículo Lattes

Research area: Literature, Cultural Production and Ways of Life, Literature, Subalternity and Micropolitics, Textuality, Context and School Mediation.

Areas of interest: Research Methodology in Cultural Criticism, Comparative Literature, Literature and Political Culture, Brazilian Literature, Theories and Criticism of Culture.

Paulo Cesar Souza Garcia

Holds a degree in Portuguese Language - Catholic University of Salvador, in 1989. Master in Theory of Literature - Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), in 1999. Doctorate in Literature and Literary Theory - Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), in 2008. Post-doctoral internship at the Multidisciplinary Graduate Program in Culture and Society - Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), in 2016. He is a full-time professor at the University of the State of Bahia (UNEB), works in the Licentiate of Letters and in the Graduate Program in Cultural Criticism of the Department of Linguistics, Literature and Arts Dellartes - UNEB Campus II. He is a researcher at the ANPOLL Homocultura e Languages WG, at the Research and Extension Center in Culture and Sexuality - NuCus at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA). He is also a collaborating researcher at the Intersexuality Research Group at the Margarida Losa Institute for Comparative Literature at the University of Porto (UP), in Portugal. He published the book Representações do homoerotismo na literature; Homoculture and Languages; Intersexualities and Intersectionalities: knowledge and senses of the body. He works with the following lines of research: Studies of Gender and sexual identities in the literature; Literary Theory and Criticism; Literature, cultural production and ways of life.

Currículo Lattes

Research area: Studies of Gender and sexual identities in the literature;  Literary Theory and Criticism;  Literature, cultural production and ways of life.

Research group: Enlace (UNEB) and Culture and Sexuality

Areas of interest: Letters, Literary Studies, Literary Criticism, Literary Theory.

Roberto Henrique Seidel

Graduated in Language, Licentiate in Portuguese and German, from the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (1994), Master in Language from the Federal University of Pernambuco (1999), in the area of ​​Theory of Literature, and a doctorate in Language from the Federal University of Pernambuco (2004), in the area of ​​Theory of Literature, sub-area of ​​Cultural Studies. In 2004 he joined as a professor, in the area of ​​Literature Theory, at the State University of Feira de Santana; in 2009, he took part in an internal competition for full professor at the same university, having worked in the area of ​​Theory of Literature at the graduation in Language and in the Specialization in Literary Studies. Since 2005, he has been a permanent professor in the Graduate Program in Literary Studies, a discipline of Cultural Studies. Since 2009, he has worked as a collaborating professor and, since 2010, as a permanent professor in the Graduate Program in Cultural Criticism, subjects Theories and criticism of culture, Literature and political culture, Literature and biopolitics, at the Universidade do Estado da Bahia, Campus II. In 2015, he transferred definitively to the University of the State of Bahia, Campus II, and also began to work in the undergraduate course in Portuguese Language. In addition, he has experience in the field of German Language - teaching German and translation - as well as in the area of ​​editing and standardization of scientific publications. 

Currículo Lattes

Areas of interest: Literary Theory, Cultural Studies, Brazilian Culture Emphasizing Marginal Cultures, Editorialization and Standardization of Technical Publications, German Language and Literature, Technical Translation.

Suely Aldir Messeder

She holds a degree in Social Sciences from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), a master degree from the Postgraduate Program in Social Sciences from UFBA and a PhD in Anthropology from the University Santiago de Compostela, validated in Brazil by the Postgraduate Program in Anthropology - UFBA. She is a professor at the State University of Bahia - UNEB. She was coordinator of the Multi-institutional and Multidisciplinary Doctorate in Knowledge Diffusion and permanent professor of the Graduate Program in Cultural Criticism at Campus II - Alagoinhas. She is the coordinator of the Enlace Research Group and was the first secretary of the ABEH (Brazilian Association of Homoculture Studies) during the 2010-2012 term. She was the manager of the Technical Cooperation term between the Public Ministry and the University of the State of Bahia. She is currently a member of the Basic Chamber of Advisory and Technical Assessment of FAPESB. Her interests in teaching, research and extension are in the areas of sexualities, masculinities, gender relations, body, ethnic-racial relations, management and dissemination of knowledge, social entrepreneurship, social technology and Bahianity.

Currículo Lattes

Line of research: Sexualities and Human Rights, Education and Work, Identities and teacher training, Culture and Knowledge: Transversality, Intersectionality and (in)formation, Knowledge Diffusion - Information, Communication and Management.

Areas of interest: Urban Anthropology, Urban Sociology.

Wander Melo Miranda
Title Teacher

He holds a degree in Language from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (1974), a Master in Literary Studies from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (1979) and a Doctorate in Brazilian Literature from the University of São Paulo (1987).  He was a coordinator of the CA-LL of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq, 2007-2009), member of CATC/CNPq (2008-2009), ad hoc consultant for CNPq, CAPES, FAPEMIG, FAPESP, professor of theory of Literature at the Federal University of Minas Gerais retired, director of Editora UFMG (2000-2015).

Currículo Lattes

Line of research: Literature, Cultural Production and Ways of Life.

Areas of interest: Literature

Washington Luís Lima Drummond

He holds a degree in History from the Federal University of Bahia (1989), a master degree in Communication and Contemporary Culture from the Federal University of Bahia (1998) and a doctorate in Architecture and Urbanism from the Faculty of Architecture of the Federal University of Bahia (2009) with a doctoral internship at CNRS - Paris/France. Post-Doctorate in Literary Studies at the Post-Lit Program at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (2015). He is a Professor at the State University of Bahia and Permanent Professor at the Graduate Program in Cultural Criticism at the State University of Bahia. He has experience in the field of History, working mainly on the following subjects: contemporary theory, urbanism and reproducible images. He is coordinator of the Post-Theory research group.

Currículo Lattes

Research group: Post-Theory

Areas of interest: History, Architecture and Urbanism.

Collaborating Professors

Alicia Duhá Lose

Associate Professor at the Institute of Letters and Permanent Professor at the Postgraduate Program in Language and Culture at the Federal University of Bahia. She is a Researcher Productivity Scholar at CNPq. Graduated in Vernacular Letters from PUCRS, Master and Doctor in Letters and Linguistics from the Postgraduate Program in Letters and Linguistics from the Federal University of Bahia, with Post-Doctorates in Letters (Philology) from UFBA and in History (International Relations) from UnB . He was a PVEX-Senior Scholarship (CAPES, 2018-2019) at the Center for the History of Culture and Society (FLUC, Dep. of History; Paleography and Diplomatics) at the University of Coimbra. He is a member of the Academic Council for Research and Innovation at ILUFBA. She is Permanent Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Linguistic Studies at the State University of Feira de Santana. She was a member of the PPGLinC/UFBA Board for two terms, in addition to having been Vice-Coordinator and Program Coordinator. She was vice-coordinator of the Textual Criticism WG at ANPOLL (2018-2020). He is a president member of CEPEDOP - Center for Paleographic Research and Documentation of Memória & Arte. He is the leader of the Modus Scribendi Research Group - Paleographic, Philological and Historical Research Group (CNPq-UFBA) and a member of the Textual Criticism Research Group of the National Library (CNPq-BN) and of METAMORPHOSE - Materiality and interpretation of manuscripts and printed matter. of the Modern Period (CNPq-UnB). Co-coordinator of the Binational Research Team for Philology, Historiography and Derived Technologies; Member of the POMBALIA Team (University of Lisbon). Develops several projects financed by FAPESB and CNPq, by the Fund for Culture of the State of Bahia and the Institute of Artistic and Cultural Heritage (IPAC) in literary, ecclesiastical, historical and specialized collections, in various institutions in the state, such as the Irmandade do Santíssimo Sacramento and Nossa Senhora da Conceição da Praia (Salvador), Congregation of Nossa Senhora dos Humildes (Santo Amaro da Purificação), Society for the Protection of the Disabled (Salvador), Convent of Santa Clara do Desterro (Salvador), Casa Pia dos Orfãos de São Joaquim ( Salvador), Center for Documentary Memory of the Military Police of Bahia (Salvador) and Center for Bahia Studies (SIBI-UFBA) (Salvador). She is the author of two proposals approved by UNESCO for nominations for the Memory of the World Program (MowBrasil/UNESCO) and a collaborator on two others. She was, for 10 years, General Coordinator of the Research and Documentation Center of the Rare Book of the Monastery of São Bento da Bahia. A member of the winning team for the Clarival do Prado Valladares Historical Research Award, from the Norberto Odebrecht Foundation (2010-2011), he also received an Honorable Mention from the State Council of Culture of the State of Bahia and a Medal of Military Police Merit from the Military Police of Bahia for his work with the state's historical collections. Develops research in special collections since 1996. He has more than 60 published works, including authorial books, organized books, book chapters, complete works in annals of events; has about 40 works, including books, magazines, theses, dissertations and monographs, in addition to the production of didactic material for classroom and distance learning courses. Fluent in French, Spanish and Italian.

Currículo Lattes

Line of research: Literacy, Identities and Educator Training

Angela Del Carmen Bustos Romero de Kleiman

Full Professor, volunteer collaborator at the Institute for Language Studies at the State University of Campinas. He holds a degree in Language from the University of Chile (1967), a Master in Linguistics (1969) and a PhD in Linguistics (1974), both from the University of Illinois; postdoctoral fellow at the Center for the Study of Reading at the University of Illinois and University of Georgia (1982-1983). He coordinated the implementation, in 1982, of the Institute's Department of Applied Linguistics, and of the Department's Master's and Doctoral courses. He works mainly in the teaching and research of reading, EJA, mother tongue teacher training and literacy. She implemented the Teacher Training Center, CEFIEL, financed by the MEC, and was its first coordinator, in the 2004-2005 biennium, when distance courses were created for teacher training and the Language and Literacy collection was started (with ten volumes) in Focus , to serve as a reference in the distance courses of the Center. She is a retired Senior Researcher (1-A) at CNPq. She has published numerous articles and more than a dozen books and collections. With successive reprints, "Text and Reader: Cognitive Aspects of Reading" (1989); "Reading Workshop" (1993); "The Meanings of Literacy (1995); "Reading and Interdisciplinarity: Weaving networks in school projects" (1999, with Silvia Moraes). His essay "Literacy and discursivity in reading tests" received the Jabuti Award in the Education Psychology and Psychoanalysis category ( 2004) and his book "Grammar Workshop. Metalanguage for beginners" (with Professor C. Sepulveda) was selected by MEC in the National School Library Program (Teacher's Collection), in 2014. (Text provided by the author).

Line of research: Literacy, Identities and Educator Training

Areas of interest: Linguistics, Letters and Arts / Area: Linguistics / Sub-area: Applied Linguistics

Antonio Luciano de Andrade Tosta

Associate Professor of Brazilian Literature and Culture at the University of Kansas (USA). Graduated (degree and bachelor's degree) in Foreign Language (English) from the Federal University of Bahia, he has a master degree in Comparative Literature from the State University of New York at Buffalo (1999), a master degree in Portuguese and Brazilian Studies from Brown University (2002), a master's degree in Comparative Literature from Brown University (2002) and a PhD in Comparative Literature from Brown University (2006). He has experience in the field of Literature, with an emphasis on Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature in the Americas, Europe (Portugal and Spain) and Lusophone Africa, working mainly on the following subjects: Brazilian literature of the 19th and 20th centuries, contemporary Brazilian cinema, literature and cinema about Brazilians in the USA, representations of the city, identity and ethnicity, (trans)national and post-colonial studies. He is the author of "Confluence Narratives: Ethnicity, History, and Nation Making in the Americas" (Bucknell University Press, 2016) and co-editor of "Brazil" (ABC/CLIO, 2015) and "Luso American Literature: Writings by Portuguese Speaking Authors in North America" ​​(Rutgers University Press, 2011). (Text provided by the author).

Jordi Canal Morell

Jordi CHANNEL (Olot, Spain, 1964).  Doctor in History from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and professor at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris.  Author, among other books, of El Carlism, Two centuries of counterrevolution in Spain white flags, red berets, A political history of Carlism, 1876-1939 (2006), History is a tree of stories, Historiography, politics, literature Minimum History of Catalonia, With permission from Kafka.  The independence process in Catalonia (2018) and The monarchy in the 21st century (2019).  Among the volumes he coordinated, the following stand out: Exiled.  The Political Exodus in Spain, 15th to 20th Centuries (2007), Cultural History of Contemporary Politics (2009), Civil Wars.  A key to understanding 19th and 20th century Europe, La guerre d'Espagne, A conflict that shaped Europe (2016) and Contemporary History of Spain, 2 volumes (2017). He participated in numerous collective works and published articles on counterrevolution, Carlism, regionalism and nationalism, political parties, republicanism, monarchy, sociability, exiles, history and literature, historiography and the politics of violence.  He regularly collaborates in Spanish newspapers and magazines: El País, O Mundo, O Imparcial, Cartas Livres, A Aventura da História.

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Maria Nazaré Mota de Lima

She holds a degree in Portuguese Language from the Federal University of Bahia (1976), a Master in Education from the Federal University of Bahia (1996), a doctorate in Language and Linguistic from the Federal University of Bahia (2007) and a postdoctoral degree in Literary Studies from UFMG. She is currently a retired professor at the University of the State of Bahia, working in the Graduate Program in Cultural Criticism - POST-CRITICAL. Associate researcher at the State University of Campinas, and a collaborator of ICEAFRO: Education for Racial and Gender Equality. She has experience in Literature, with an emphasis on Portuguese, focused on the following topics: teacher training, ethnic-racial and gender identity, literature and literacy.

Currículo Lattes

Research area: Literacy, Identities and Teacher Training

Research group: Literacy, identities and teacher education

Areas of interest: Portuguese language

Visiting Professors

Rufino Gonzalo Espino Relucé

Moche, poet and literary critic.  He specializes in Amerindian literature and Latin American unofficial literature.  In the field of education, he has a special interest in the cultural processes of the school world and in intercultural education.  Doctor and Master in Peruvian and Latin American Literature, by the National University of San Marcos, and Master in Social Sciences with Mention in Andean and Amazonian Linguistics by FLACSO-Escola Andina de Post-Graduate, where he studies Bilingual Intercultural Education.  Full professor and current director of the Academic School of Letters at the National University of San Marcos and President of the Society for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (SOLAR).

Hu Xudong

Scholar, poet, translator, literary critic.  Associate Professor at the Institute of World Literature at the School of Foreign Languages ​​at Peking University, Deputy Director at the Center for Brazilian Culture at Peking University.  Research interests are Poetry of the World after Modernism, Brazilian Literature and Culture, Cultural Studies.