Points of Interrogation is a biannual, open access journal of the Graduate Program in Cultural Criticism at the University of the State of Bahia. Located in the linguistic-literary field, its goal is to produce, host and disseminate unpublished scientific productions by national and international researchers whose studies and conclusions problematize the objects and assumptions of both literary criticism, theory and historiography as well as cultural studies, gender studies, post-colonial, among others. The repercussion of scientific discoveries in the linguistic-literary field, over the last century, in the applied human and social sciences, not only caused the so-called linguistic-literary turns in these fields of knowledge, with a strong impact not only on the theory of representation in general, but mainly regarding the emergence of an epistemological place of borders in which all institutions, such as the school, the state, the church, the devices of economic control, among others, must be questioned in favor of direct democracy and of the cultural citizenship of peoples and nations evicted from their language, culture, territory and from the spaces of construction of themselves as social and collective subjects.
Throughout 2017, we will accept, in a continuous flow, reviews and essays on classic books of the linguistic-literary turn, as well as we will accept manifestos and hybrid essays derived from research and as a policy of emancipatory writing, hoping to consolidate and incorporate these texts and discursive genres into from the 2018 dossiers. The previous genres, accepted by the magazine Pontos de Interrogação, namely articles, interviews and reviews, in addition to being followed, from 2018, by new discursive genres, will necessarily continue to be screened by consultants ad hoc. Works, indicated by the referees, that meet the theoretical and formal perspectives established by the journal’s norms will be accepted.