Name: Post Theory

Coordination: Washington Luis Lima Drummond and José Carlos Felix

Description: It brings together researchers with training and scientific activity from different disciplinary areas for the study of contemporary history, especially between the 1960s and 1980s, with the following objectives: a) constitution of the contemporary subject, analysis of the theoretical discourse of the period (Marxism, structuralism and poststructuralism) and the relationship between behavior, culture and politics; b) to evaluate the place of contemporary Marxism and post-structuralism as an analysis of culture (literature, cinema)… Read more

Research Line 1: Literature, Cultural Production and Ways of Life. Study of literary representations and modes of production of minorities and peripheral communities, as well as the historiographical, theoretical and critical models that underlie their interpretation, questioning forms, supports, methods, discursive formations and epistemological clashes.


Name: Enlace

Coordination: Suely Aldir Messeder and Alfredo Eurico Rodrigues Matta

Description: In 2014, the group consolidates itself as an Emerging Nucleus, through the FAPESB/CNPq 009/2014 Support Program for Emerging Nuclei PRONEM. Multi/trans/ interdisciplinarity is certainly the most exciting and complex challenge in the scientific field, especially when we do not dissociate it from political relations and powers coexisting in relations with disciplinary knowledge…  Read more

Line of research 2: Literacy, Identities and Training of Educators. Study of languages, literacy processes and teacher training, from the ethnic-racial, gender, sexualities, class perspective, considering the meanings of public policies, displacements and repercussions on educational practices and on society.


Name: Language(s) and Cultural Criticism

Coordination: Osmar Moreira dos Santos and Jailma dos Santos Pedreira Moreira

Description: Formed in 2002, the Language(gem) and Cultural Criticism Research Group, always contributing to scientific animation at UNEB Campus II, in Alagoinhas, by affiliating more than 30 PhD researchers, training more than 100 student researchers in undergraduate research project, and with the creation of lato and stricto sensu programs… Read more

Research Line 1: Literature, Cultural Production and Ways of Life. Study of literary representations and modes of production of minorities and peripheral communities, as well as the historiographical, theoretical and critical models that underlie their interpretation, questioning forms, supports, methods, discursive formations and epistemological clashes.


Name: GEREL – Study Group on Resilience, Education and Languages

Coordination: Maria de Fátima Berenice da Cruz

Description: The group aims to contribute to the continuing education of teachers who work in public and/or private schools through spaces for discussions about the concept of resilience in the professional field, describing the psychological and biological forces required to successfully go through changes in life… Read more

Line of research 2: Literacy, Identities and Training of Educators. Study of languages, literacy processes and teacher training, from the ethnic-racial, gender, sexualities, class perspective, considering the meanings of public policies, displacements and repercussions on educational practices and on society.


Name: Nucleus of Oral Traditions and Intangible Heritage – NUTOPIA

Coordinator: Arivaldo de Lima Alves

Description: NUTOPIA emerged from the need to create a permanent link between research and extension projects focused on the theme of oral traditions and intangible heritage, developed by researchers and students – particularly within the scope of UNEB, but also by researchers and students from other institutions.

Line of research: Literature, Cultural Production and Ways of Life. Study of literary representations and modes of production of minorities and peripheral communities, as well as the historiographical, theoretical and critical models that underlie their interpretation, questioning forms, supports, methods, discursive formations and epistemological clashes.
