Projects Related to Research Line 1: Literature, Cultural Production and Ways of Life

For a new written, spoken and sung history of Candomblé Angola in Bahia

Oral traditions, intangible heritage and contemporary ways of life

Coordenator: Prof. Dr. Arivaldo de Lima Alves

Cartography of folk studies: the legacy of Russian theorists

Collection of Memory and Oral Traditions of Bahia: Cartographies

Coordenator: Profa. Dra. Edil Silva Costa

Literature in women’s movements: from the movement of feminist writers and theorists to the rewriting of women in social movements

Women’s literature and public policies: through other cultural archives

Coordenator: Profa. Dra. Jailma dos Santos Pedreira Moreira

Cultural Industry and Appropriation
Coordenator: Prof. Dr. José Carlos Félix

The effects of drought in the semiarid region of Bahia: a discursive and current study
Coordenator: Profa. Dra. Maria Neuma  Mascarenhas Paes

Community cultural criticism: the place of the linguistic-literary field in the Brazilian scientific system.

Emerging transnational powers and their cultural sieves

Coordenator: Prof. Dr. Osmar Moreira dos Santos

Cultural codes and insurgencies in contemporary literature
Coordenator: Prof. Dr. Paulo César Souza Garcia

The category of the unusual in representations of the sertão

Publications in Bahia: mapping and diagnosis of Bahian publishing houses
Coordenator: Prof. Dr. Roberto Henrique Seidel

Image, speech and city
Coordenator: Prof. Dr. Washington Luis Lima Drummond

Revisiting archives and recognizing sources: the Northeastern poet Franklin Maxado’s collection

Coordenator: Profa. Dra. Andréa Betânia da Silva

Literature and Biopolitics

Coordenator: Prof. Dr. Wander Melo Miranda

Collaboration Professor’s reaserch prrojetcs

Palimpsestic Time: Brazilian-American Literature, U.S. Brazilian Literature and the Persistence of Coloniality

Coordenator: Prof. Dr. Antonio Luciano de Andrade Tosta (University of Kansas – EUA)

La Historia is a Tree of Historias: Historiography, Politics, Literature

Coordenator: Prof. Dr. Jordi Canal Morell (EHESS – Paris, França)

Visitanting professor’s reaserch projects:

Memoria de la Narrativa Quechua Escrita (1984-2015)

Coordenator: Prof. Dr. Rufino Gonzalo Espino Relucé (University of San Marcos – Lima/Peru)

Poetry after Modernism, Brazilian Literature and Culture, Cultural Studies

Coordenator: Prof. Dr. Hu Xudong (Peking University)


Projects Related to Research Area 2: Literacy, Identities and Teacher Training

Literacy in rural communities: social impacts on family, school and community

Coordenator: Profa. Dra. Áurea da Silva Pereira

Affirmation of Black Identity and Afro-Brazilian and African Children’s Literary Productions

Coordenator: Profa. Dra. Maria Anória de Jesus Oliveira

Educators from Bahia: knowledge and experiences of pedagogical practices of teachers of basic education

Literature and pedagogical situation: analysis of the Portuguese language textbook for Elementary School distributed in the northeast – triennium 2013 to 2015

Coordenator: Profa. Dra. Maria de Fátima Berenice da Cruz

Teacher training: ethnicity, race and social intervention in education

Relating identities and teacher training

Coordenator: Profa. Dra. Maria Nazaré Mota de Lima

Bahianity and the entrepreneur in their daily activities: a study on micro-entrepreneurs and their establishments in the city of Camaçari

Masculinity in female bodies: weaving articulations between research, extension and public policies about and with these women

Coordenator: Profa. Dra. Suely Aldir Messeder

Semi/schools: aesthetic-political assemblages

Coordenator: Profa. Dra. Lícia Soares de Souza

(Dis)Loves in the Literature of Black Authors from Bahia-Brazil and Portuguese-Speaking African Countries

Coordenator: Profa. Dra. Ana Rita Santiago

Portraits of the pedagogy of reading in Elementary Education I

Coordenator: Profa. Dra. Cláudia Martins Moreira

Collaborating professors’s reaserch project:

O Cangaço e as Volantes: editing documents from the PMBA Historical Collection

Coordenator: Profa. Dra. Alícia Duha Los

Academic literacy, teacher literacy. The training process for the workplace

Coordenator: Profa. Dra. Angela Del Carmen Bustos Romero de Kleiman